How to Activate 9Mobile N200 for 650MB Data Bundle


After late introducing its 1GB + 3hours gratuitous video streaming for N200 plan, 9Mobile has merely unveiled a novel N200 for 650mb on its moreblaze daily information package which is opened upwardly to all subscribers together with then both one-time together with novel customers are eligible for this offer.

Note that non every 9Mobile client were eligible for the 1gb for N200 excogitation but this 9Mobile N200 for 650MB is available to all to activate amongst no limitations.

I believe 9Mobile is using these novel inexpensive information plans to woo dorsum it’s customers who had already ported to to a greater extent than or less other network because of high damage of information plans from 9mobile. Even at that, the network provider is even together with then the most expensive information network inward Nigeria when it comes to monthly plans. Although in that place are to a greater extent than or less mouthwatering bonuses similar the 7GB information bonus together with Cliq4DNite bonus but the network actually demand to upwardly her game considering the tearing contest inward the mobile network manufacture inward Nigeria.  on its moreblaze daily information package which is opened upwardly to all subscribers together with then both one-time together with novel c How to Activate 9Mobile N200 for 650MB Data Bundle9Mobile, formally Etisalat Nigeria is ane of the best network providers for surfing the network because of its fast network connectedness together with 4G services but the companionship merely demand to innovate to a greater extent than together with cheaper information plans to woo to a greater extent than customers to its database.

How to Activate 9Mobile 650MB for N200

Here is a uncomplicated withdraw on how to subscribe to the excogitation amongst a USSD code.

  1. Recharge your work amongst N200

  2. Dial 229*3*2#

You’ll hold out given 650MB worth of network information which is valid for merely 24hrs.

Recently Asked Questions & Answers

Checkout these questions asked past times to a greater extent than or less customers together with fans regarding the novel information plan.

Who is Eligible for this Plan?

All novel together with existing 9Mobile subscribers are eligible for the offer.

What is the Tariff Plan?

The offering is available for all customers on MoreBlaze tariff. Interestingly, almost all information offering are inward the moreblaze plan.

How Much is the Plan?

With merely 200 Naira, you lot volition activate the 650MB information plan.

What is the Validity Period?

The 200 naira for 650mb from 9mobile is a daily excogitation which valid for 24hrs.

Any Restrictions or Limitations?

There is absolutely no limitation or restrictions important you lot tin sack role the information to unremarkably browse, chat, current together with download files.

Which Device Does it Work on?

It plant on all network enabled devices including Android smartphones, iPhone, dongles, coffee phones, laptop etc.

Can I Renew After Data Expires?

Yes you lot tin sack renew together with fifty-fifty rollover unused information ane time you lot renew the plan.

This novel 9Mobile n200 for 650MB excogitation is a inexpensive together with proficient excogitation to speedily assistance you lot deport out to a greater extent than or less online tasks for the twenty-four hr menstruum if you lot bring exhausted your weekly or monthly information bundle. It tin sack hold out used to stream LIVE Football league matches, download games, apps, brows together with chat on social media. So Nigerians, what create you lot remember well-nigh this offer?

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