3 Reasons Why Leo Stan Ekeh Bought Konga Online Store


These are 3 possible reasons why Imo State ICT Guru together with Billionaire Leo Stan Ekeh bought E-commerce companionship Konga.

A peaceful weekend was rattled yesteryear intelligence that the Zinox Group had acquired Konga, 1 of Nigeria’s biggest eCommerce giants inwards a abrupt swoop. The Zinox Group is a applied scientific discipline companionship that built Nigeria’s outset internationally certified calculator systems together with has large substantial stakes inwards ICT inwards Nigeria.

Chronicling the evolution of applied scientific discipline together with ICT inwards Nigeria volition never live on consummate without mentioning the Zinox Group together with its founder together with chairman, Mr. Leo-Stan Ekeh.

Apart from beingness a giant inwards conception together with technology, Leo-Stan Ekeh is also an shrewd human of affairs amongst decades of successes nether his belt.

 possible reasons why Imo State ICT Guru together with Billionaire Leo Stan Ekeh bought eastward 3 Reasons Why Leo Stan Ekeh Bought Konga Online Store

But all these create non inwards anyway explicate why he bought Konga.

A fourth dimension when the eCommerce appear of consumer meshing inwards Nigeria is non making enough describe of piece of work concern sense does non hold back similar a skilful fourth dimension for a describe of piece of work concern savvy human similar Leo to brand this deal.

And the fact that a reliable source inside the company’s rank has stated expressly that Konga won’t live on merged amongst Yudala fifty-fifty farther confuses the matter.

Here are possible explanations for the Zinox Group acquiring Konga.

1. Strengthen Yudala

Even though Zinox has — unofficially — stated it won’t merge Konga amongst Yudala, there’s much to a greater extent than that tin reach inwards terms of a relationship. .

Konga is probable 1 of the few eCommerce platforms inwards Africa amongst its ain bespoke software solutions. In Feb 2014, Konga started operate on its ain custom marketplace platform, SellerHQ together with yesteryear September of that yr it was ready together with working amend than tertiary political party solutions.

There is also a Notification equally a Service (NaaS) tool that was built to expire along inwards touching on amongst customers together with merchants.

Compared to tertiary political party template eCommerce solutions, these software tools were built amongst Nigeria together with Africa inwards remove heed together with are yesteryear extension to a greater extent than efficient.

Even if a merger does non eventually happen, Konga’s applied scientific discipline tin effectively strengthen Yudala.

2. Incorporate a software company

Software is the novel fad together with software companies are ruling the world. For all its technological greatness, the Zinox Group is even thus largely a hardware together with business-focused company. With the aforementioned bespoke proprietary software solutions, Konga tin live on a software companionship nether Zinox that caters to the needs of eCommerce platforms across Africa.

The Zinox Group has had a run at eCommerce inwards the yesteryear amongst BuyRightAfrica.com thus they should know where the figurative software shoe pinches.

Magento is even thus the global go-to for eCommerce solutions across Africa fifty-fifty Konga even thus uses it. But amongst proper structure, Konga tin effectively fill upwardly this gap together with brand a killing doing it.

3. Diversify together with sell

If the supposed $10 meg acquisition price is anything to larn by, Zinox got Konga at less than a handle considering that Konga’s master copy investors in all probability lost money.

But equally an shrewd businessman, selling off Konga inwards parts tin live on a possible motivation.

Konga currently has iii subsidiary arms — KOS Delivery, KongaPay together with Konga.com — together with they all conduct keep the potential to live on private production portfolios.

The electrical flow global eCommerce nail has ensured that logistics is a good in-demand service if properly structured. With Kobo together with its large book of transactions equally an example, logistics is a large handle inwards Nigeria if done correct thus KOS Delivery won’t conduct keep a occupation scaling together with selling.

Payments is even thus 1 of the biggest bane of eCommerce inwards Nigeria together with KongaPay tin live on positioned to tackle this number equally a companionship on its own.

Finally, for all the software reasons, Konga is even thus 1 of the best structured eCommerce platforms inwards Nigeria. This gives it an automatic border to fly.

With his sense inwards business, Leo Stan Ekeh won’t conduct keep whatever problems diversifying Konga into all these already existing arms, edifice stable entities together with selling them off.

About Konga

Konga.com is an online store where you lot tin purchase watches online, smartphones, Televisions, Home Theater Systems, Laptops, Powerbanks, Refrigerator, Water dispensers, AC, together with fifty-fifty kitchen appliances.

It’s an choice to Jumia together with gearbest.

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