How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector KPN Tunnel


Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized Config File for HTTP Injector, KPN Tunnel Rev as well as other VPN apps which lets them relish costless browsing cheat on their telephone as well as you lot guide keep been importing as well as using these Configs from unlike people but wishing to know how to practise your ain config file. This post is for you lot if you lot desire to create either HTTP Injector Config or KPN Tunnel Rev Config File past times yourself.

I guide keep provided the manual settings as well as procedures to create your ain config file which you lot tin customize as well as export for others to import on their HTTP Injector or KPN Tunnel VPN app as well as acquire connected to costless internet.

I was in ane lawsuit inwards your shoe when I had no catch of how to creat Config File for http injector, KPN Tunnel, Spark VPN, Tweakware, Psiphon as well as other VPN but today, I tin order I’m the boss inwards doing this. So every bit usual, I volition also portion the procedures as well as how it’s done hence that you lot also volition larn as well as mayhap learn others every bit well. That’s how nosotros roll.

Note that for you lot to practise config file for Http injector or KPN Tunnel Rev, you lot demand to acquire an SSH account.

But before I continue, permit me to briefly explicate around of the of import words as well as tools used for this purpose.

What is HTTP Injector?

HTTP Injector is an Android tunneling app (VPN) that lets you lot enshroud your existent IP or look anonymous as well as untraceable on the web. But the virtually of import characteristic of this app right instantly is its might to deliver cyberspace costless browsing subsequently setting upwardly proxies as well as hosts.

You tin configure the VPN amongst details from your SHH line of piece of occupation concern human relationship as well as export the config which is inwards ehi format for whatever other somebody to import as well as use.

HTTP Injector app tin also move used every bit IP hunter, Host Checker, Tethering unlock, IP checker, payload generator as well as others.

However, its ane of the virtually sophisticated Android VPN apps to setup.

What is an Ehi file

Ehi file is a configuration of Http injector. Basically When you lot practise a configuration on Http injector, the file format is inwards .Ehi type. So whenever you lot come across a config that ends amongst .ehi, it’s definitely an HTTP Injector file. The ehi file has payload, remote proxy as well as SSH line of piece of occupation concern human relationship Credentials within it.

Requirements For Creating a Config File

Before you lot tin successfully practise a configuration file, you lot demand to guide keep the next inwards place;

1. HTTP Injector Apk

This VPN app is available inwards Google Play Store every bit good every bit other third-party websites. You tin precisely download HTTP Injector Apk from this blog.

2. HTTP Injector Payload

Payload is component subdivision of the tools available inwards Http injector. The tool lets you lot practise an Ehi file or brand configuration for costless cyberspace past times this You tin import as well as export the Ehi file.

3. 3G or 4G Network

As it’s the representative amongst hence many other tunneling apps, you lot demand a stable 3G or 4G network for whatever VPN cheat to connect properly as well as fast.

4. HTTP injector Remote Proxy

Proxy is ane of the virtually of import requirements for this configuration every bit it provides us amongst the unlike website. Remote proxy is commonly updated oft every bit older ones acquire jammed or blocked every bit traffic increases

5. SSH account

Another of import requirement for creating http injector config file is an SSH line of piece of occupation concern human relationship which serves every bit a VPN line of piece of occupation concern human relationship that gives you lot free, trial as well as paid account. It is of import for HTTP injector.

After creating your ain SSH account, you lot volition move provided amongst costless servers which valid for 3 days, vii days, ane calendar month as well as lifetime every bit the representative may be.

Note: don’t error “SSH” to “SHH” because they are 2 unlike websites. While SSH is the right one, SHH is precisely a cloned ads-based website. So the right website url is

How To Create Config File For HTTP Injector

Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized  How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector  KPN Tunnel

  • Launch the app become to the menu bar

  • Navigate to the payload to brand a configuration for HTTP Injector every bit seen inwards the screenshot below

Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized  How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector  KPN Tunnel

  • The payload type is “normal” inwards default but you lot demand to input a host address inwards the box for URL/Host similar it appears inwards the picture below. But if you lot are from Nigeria as well as using MTN, you lot tin usage this host address

  • After that, tick the next point(Online Host, Keep-Alive, as well as User Agent) inwards the extra header options

Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized  How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector  KPN Tunnel

  • Then click on generate payload.

  • Now discovery remote proxy as well as click in ane lawsuit again on the menu of HTTP Injector.

  • At this point, you lot volition come across the servers

  • There is a unlike province proxy listing here. So click ane remote proxy.

  • Then score on remote proxy as well as SSH. After doing all the labor you lot must modify port publish fourscore to 8080. Then click save as well as dorsum the master copy page

  • To practise config of the settings you lot are using, precisely tap on the paper icon 📄 at the top right corner of HTTP Injector as well as click on export config

  • So instantly Click start as well as come across the fundamental on the notification bar of your telephone indicating connector to the internet.

So you lot tin minimize the app as well as opened upwardly your spider web browser or whatever other app inwards your telephone to relish costless browsing.

That’s how to practise config file for Http injector as well as export it for others to download the file as well as import on their ain phone.

In representative you lot all the same discovery it difficult, follow my adjacent guidelines which involves creating SHH line of piece of occupation concern human relationship although it’s for KPN Tunnel Rev Config File but tje catch tin also move deployed inwards HTTP Injector as well as it volition work.

Like I said before on this post, HTTP Injector is a to a greater extent than advanced VPN as well as a chip hard to setup but inwards KPN Tunnel, the physical care for is real slow as well as it plant better. So this is an Alternative to the get-go tutorial.

How To Create KPN Tunnel Rev Config File

Follow this uncomplicated instructions to practise your ain configuration file for KPN Tunnel VPN app.

  • First practise an SSH past times clicking here amongst your electronic mail address or Facebook ID

  • Select whatever province server from the listing displayed

  • Then guide a costless server amongst greenish color

Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized  How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector  KPN Tunnel

  • You volition move presented amongst your custom shh username, password as well as host/IP (these information is vital every bit you lot volition usage them inwards the kpn tunnel rev app)

  • Now Download as well as opened upwardly KPN Tunnel Rev app

  • Click on the settings icon on the top right corner of the app

  • Tap SSH turnel

  • Now acquire into the Host/IP you lot got from your SSH account

  • Also acquire into username as well as password from your SSH account

  • Leave port at default.

Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized  How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector  KPN Tunnel

  • Now become dorsum to the VPN homepage

  • Click the three dotted icon located at the top right corner

  • Then tap on Config Options

  • Finally, tap on export to salve your KPN Config file inwards your phone.

  • This file format is inwards ktr type as well as tin as well as hence move downloaded past times others as well as imported into their ain KPN Tunnel to usage for costless browsing.

Some Bloggers as well as Tweakers are creating customized  How To Creat Config File For HTTP Injector  KPN Tunnel

Remember you lot tin also customize the text that appears inwards the app homepage. You tin add together your website link, Telegram Group link, WhatsApp grouping link or whatever other of import information every bit you lot similar because it supports html functions every bit well.


You don’t guide keep to beg anyone anymore to learn you lot how to practise config file for your favorite VPN app because amongst the information on this article, you lot tin easily practise yours as well as portion amongst your friends.

SEE THIS: MTN 2in1 Free Browsing Config File

The config file tin move used for MTN 0.0kb costless browsing cheat as well as MPulse cheat inwards Nigeria spell it tin move used for costless cyberspace tricks from other countries.

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