How To Borrow Airtime (Credit) From MTN, Glo, Airtel 9Mobile


There are times when you lot exhaust your telephone band credit piece making telephone band or browsing the meshwork as well as you lot teach frustrated, straight off you lot don’t bespeak to worry whatever longer equally all the network operators inwards Nigeria has introduced measures for you lot to TopUp your delineate of piece of occupation amongst repose without paying a dime at that detail time. Therefore, this postal service is virtually how to borrow Airtime from MTN, Glo, Airtel as well as 9Mobile networks inwards Nigeria with a code.

This service is too useful when you lot bespeak to brand an emergency telephone band inwards an expanse you lot can’t detect recharge cards as well as in that place is no fund inwards your banking concern account. What practise you lot intend is the means out? It is sure to borrow airtime from your Network provider. Good tidings all networks offers this service although the advert may live on unlike to each provider.

There are times when you lot exhaust your telephone band credit piece making telephone band or browsing the intern How To Borrow Airtime (Credit) From MTN, Glo, Airtel  9Mobile
Codes To Borrow Airtime All Networks

How to Borrow Airtime from Any Network In Nigeria

Find below instructions as well as codes to borrow airtime from MTN, 9mobile, Glo as well as airtel.

How to Borrow Airtime from MTN

To borrow airtime from MTN, dial either *600*amount# or *600# as well as follow the on-screen instructions. For example, to borrow N100, dial *600*100#. MTN takes 10% of the coin borrowed equally service accuse as well as so if you lot borrowed 100 Naira, you lot volition teach ninety Naira airtime. Also remember, the amount you lot borrowed volition live on automatically deducted on your adjacent airtime recharge.

How to Borrow Airtime from 9Mobile

On the 9Mobile network, you lot tin plough over notice borrow airtime yesteryear dialing *665*amount# or *665#. For example, to borrow N100 on 9mobile, dial *665*100# as well as you lot volition have ninety Naira credit instead of 100 Naira because 9mobile takes 10% equally service charge. Note that on your adjacent airtime recharge, the amount you lot borrowed volition live on automatically deducted.

How to Borrow Credit from Airtel

To borrow airtime from AIRTEL, dial *500*amount#. For example, to borrow N100 dial *500*100#. Note that airtel extra credit service attracts 15% charge, hence you lot volition teach 85 Naira airtime when you lot borrow 100 Naira from airtel. On your adjacent recharge, the coin you lot borrowed volition live on deducted.

GLO Network

It is required that GLO users practise a 4-digit pin earlier they tin plough over notice borrow airtime. To practise a 4-digit pivot on your Glo line, dial *321# as well as practise a PIN of your choice. After that, you lot tin plough over notice borrow airtime from Glo yesteryear dialing *321*pin*amount#. For example, to borrow 100 Naira, dial *321*0000*100# (assuming 0000 is your PIN). It attracts a 10% service accuse as well as you lot volition pay dorsum on your adjacent recharge. Also, to qualify for this service you lot must live on constantly recharging your Glo line.

SEE ALSO: All Networks Number Prefix

NOTE: when you lot borrow airtime, in that place is a service accuse attached to it. For instance, if you lot borrow N100, the network provider volition deduct N10 as well as you lot volition live on left amongst N90. Also you lot must pay this coin on your adjacent recharge. Assuming you lot borrow N100 Naira today, adjacent fourth dimension you lot purchase N200 recharge card, your network volition collect dorsum the N100 you lot borrowed as well as you lot volition straight off possess got merely N100. That’s how it works. Be informed.

I promise this postal service on how to borrow airtime from all networks inwards Nigeria helps you. Enjoy!

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