Uber Driver Partners to Get Alerts Against Drowsy Driving


Ride hailing software company, Uber, has taken a pace towards using applied scientific discipline to assist its driver partners foreclose the drowsy driving syndrome which is mainly responsible for almost route accidents. has taken a pace towards using applied scientific discipline to assist its driver partners foreclose the drowsy  Uber Driver Partners to Get Alerts Against Drowsy DrivingUber said it has introduced a novel policy for driver-partners across Sub-Sahara Africa, including Nigeria to get upward their security together with that of their passengers.

Uber said it has only developed a novel characteristic inwards its app, that prompts drivers to become offline for vi direct hours afterwards a amount of 12 hours of driving time. Drivers who create non accept a long plenty interruption volition non live able to log into the app together with accept trips earlier that catamenia expires.

Uber already has in-app notification characteristic that reminds drivers to accept a interruption when feeling tired on the road. The novel driving hours policy is an additional characteristic that volition assist ameliorate security on the roads for all.

Explaining the rationale behind the latest innovation, General Manager Uber West Africa, Lola Kassim, said: “We desire to promote security together with responsible usage of the Uber app together with this characteristic has tremendous potential to protect, non entirely Uber driver-partners, but too their passengers together with ultimately, all other route users.

“Driver-partners inwards Nigeria are already driving responsibly but security is 1 of our fundamental pillars together with nosotros believe this novel characteristic volition live adding 1 to a greater extent than security layer.”

Uber driver-partners volition live able to rails the fourth dimension they pass on Uber trips together with volition live reminded when they’ve reached their maximum fourth dimension on the Uber app. It provides periodic notifications when drivers are approaching the 12-hour driving fourth dimension boundary together with and hence volition automatically become offline for vi direct hours when their max has been reached. However, Uber said it volition allow drivers to complete whatsoever trip they’re currently on earlier automatically switching the said partner offline.

Kassim said that afterwards the vi hours, driving fourth dimension resets together with drivers tin post away become online 1 time to a greater extent than to have trip requests. She added that the applied scientific discipline volition come upward on a phased gyre out reason together with non all driver-partners volition meet this correct away.

According to her, “last calendar month nosotros rolled out this characteristic across South Africa. Based on drivers feedback, the novel characteristic is working good together with has helped get upward driver together with rider safety. We are excited to gyre this out across the remainder of the percentage every bit this deed volition strengthen Uber’s approach to assist continue riders together with drivers security on the route piece preserving the flexibility drivers enjoin us they love, “ adds Kassim.

To ensure drivers empathise the rationale together with the functionality of the feature, Uber said it has held diverse focus groups across their Greenlight Hubs (support centres) together with has announced the characteristic through podcasts which tin post away live accessed through the app.

Note that Uru Taxi is a Similar Cab Service to Uber.

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