HOSTRIVER launches innovative professional DIY Website Building services for SMEs


South African Internet solutions company, HOSTRIVER, today launched its Website Builder service – aimed at the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector. The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) website edifice platform affords SMEs the chance to accept command of their online presence amongst an affordable as well as slow to implement professional person online spider web edifice service.

South African Internet solutions society HOSTRIVER launches innovative professional person DIY Website Building services for SMEs

Founder as well as CEO of HOSTRIVER, Madoda Khuzwayo, a perennial entrepreneur, understands the mightiness of a professional person online presence, hence his commitment to assisting beau Africans teach their human foot on the digital ladder: “From the teach go, businesses should hold upwards able to do as well as ain their ain digital architecture presenting it to their audiences amongst equally much professionalism equally possible – website, electronic mail as well as all that comes amongst beingness operational inwards a digital world. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 website is a digital store window as well as mayhap the most powerful tool whatever delineate organisation has to do that firstly impression as well as start trading, then it needs to hold upwards slow to implement as well as maintain.”

Being inwards command of ain look, feel, content as well as operability from the outset of the delineate organisation journeying is economically empowering. Having the choice to laid upwards an eCommerce store amongst a multifariousness of payment gateways from the outset, also takes the website from a showcase to a transactional portal immediately. eCommerce has many benefits for SMEs as well as the overall economy. It is also an of import project creating tool. For example, i sale made online positively affects many industries from manufacturing to packaging as well as shipping. In every phase it’s indirectly creating or sustaining jobs. “It is thus arguable that the to a greater extent than SMEs outflow onto the eCommerce bandwagon, the amend for the economic scheme equally a whole,” said Khuzwayo.

Beyond that though, is the requirement to involve as well as retain the customer. The HOSTRIVER Website Builder service offers this inwards abundance. “I believe that nosotros induce got created an exciting production that volition play an instrumental utilisation inwards helping shape an economically engaged era through the mightiness of the digi-sphere,” added Khuzwayo.

But why opt for a Website Builder as well as a DIY approach instead of hiring a spider web designer?

“Hiring a spider web designer is an expensive practise as well as to a greater extent than ofttimes than not, SME’s are left disappointed at the order of service they get” said Khuzwayo. As a result, HOSTRIVER believes that the fourth dimension for outsourcing spider web blueprint is over. Today’s applied scientific discipline allows almost anyone to do a website that is secure, smart, fast, slow to hold as well as i that is sure to a greater extent than affordable, addition DIY gives SME’s command over their most valuable asset, their online presence.

A website is either a sales as well as marketing tool or a transactional eCommerce platform. The skills needed to teach inwards (and the business) successful, are proficiency at digital marketing, non coding. Coding is only a way to an terminate as well as amongst a production similar HOSTRIVER Website Builder, the code comes built in. Further, Khuzwayo believes, websites that are built on the dorsum of code past times information technology engineers to a greater extent than ofttimes than non tend to hold upwards near the backend applied scientific discipline rather than the front-end usability (although UX is becoming business office of the firm digital remit). While information collection as well as analysis are increasingly important, for an SME, the most critical is to induce got a website that looks professional person as well as that industrial plant from birth.

South African Internet solutions society HOSTRIVER launches innovative professional person DIY Website Building services for SMEs

Khuzwayo also believes that what sets HOSTRIVER apart, is that the society retains its ain entrepreneurial spirit as well as approach. Consequently, it understands what start-ups as well as small-scale businesses need, as well as what it takes to grow amongst them. You may similar to also come across this Godaddy gratis coupon code.

HOSTRIVER Website Builder offers affordable rich, full-featured website options, consummate amongst eCommerce capability. The websites are responsive as well as optimised for Desktop, Tablet as well as Mobile amongst advanced safety features that are compliant amongst global standards, for example, browsers volition shortly hold upwards blocking websites that do non utilisation SSL as well as all HOSTRIVER websites comes amongst SSL included. The uncomplicated web-based command panel automates as well as simplifies the website edifice procedure affording users amongst express technical skills the mightiness to do novel websites fast as well as easily update existing ones amongst ease. Importantly, all websites on HOSTRIVER Website Builder are never deleted fifty-fifty if the client fails to pay. They only teach suspended but never deleted, allowing the website possessor to come upwards dorsum anytime as well as re-activate the website.

“You shouldn’t induce got to run for your website, it should run for you,” concluded the homo who knows.


HOSTRIVER is a provider of domain registration, hosting as well as website solutions. It was established inwards 2014 past times Madoda Khuzwayo as well as is recognised equally South Africa’s leading 100% black-owned spider web hosting as well as Internet service provider.

As an accredited Domain Registrar, HOSTRIVER has total command of its technical infrastructure as well as domain registration processes for most global domain extensions, amongst direct access to international registration systems thus ensuring domains are registered instantly. Providing secure as well as stable direction of customers’ domain as well as website services is our highest priority. You may catch the website for more.

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