A User Review of Linda Ikeji TV App and Mobile Website


Two years later on the launch of her hybrid platform, Linda Ikeji Social, equally good equally her music service, Linda Ikeji Music, rockstar intelligence in addition to gossip blogger, Linda Ikeji, has launched a video streaming service, Linda Ikeji TV. Naturally, I took a human face at the service.

But first, let’s receive got a quick human face at how the Linda Ikeji Media empire has fared thence far.

Linda Ikeji’s Blog

Linda’s spider web log has been a phenomenon inwards these parts. Till now, it keeps growing, raking inwards both traffic in addition to cash. By all standards of blogging, it wouldn’t usually live on regarded equally a neat blog. The blueprint in addition to layout leaves a lot to live on desired. But this looks similar a superb illustration of the pop digital media mantra, content is king. Clearly, a lot of people similar her content in addition to could aid less what the spider web log looks or feels like.

Two years later on the launch of her hybrid platform Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 User Review of Linda Ikeji TV App in addition to Mobile Website

Much Ado About Linda Ikeji Social

Linda Ikejis Blog has been a runaway hit. So, when she announced the launch of Linda Ikeji Social – a one-half cast platform betwixt a blog, a social network in addition to a marketplace – inwards 2016, the buzz was deafening. Many were sure LIS was going to live on a hit. It garnered about 90,000 signups inside its firstly few days.

Today, 2 years later on that launch, however, LIS is a graveyard. The buzz died off. People headed dorsum to Linda Ikeji’s Blog in addition to lived happily always after.

What of Linda Ikeji Music? It didn’t fifty-fifty generate one-half the buzz that LIS did. And it likewise went downwardly the same road.

What Is Different About Linda Ikeji TV?

Before now, Linda Ikeji TV had existed equally a YouTube-based service. The official launch today has seen it deed to it’s ain spider web page, lindaikeji.tv, in addition to a mobile app.

Launching the app later on installing it, I was greeted amongst a signup page, similar I expected to. I signed upward in addition to had to verify my e-mail address, in addition to then, I was in.

Then, I wasn’t inwards anymore in addition to had to login again, later on which I was presented amongst the choice of paying via credit bill of fare or voucher card. When I selected credit card, the app closed.

Launching it again, I was required to login all over again. And I did, in addition to picked credit bill of fare equally payment mode, in addition to the app unopen on me again.

Tough. Teething problems, certainly. I volition plough over it a residue for immediately in addition to endeavor in i lawsuit again some other day.

The Linda Ikeji TV Website

So, I switched to the website. Note that I am accessing it on mobile. The website is nicely designed in addition to plant good on mobile. Logging inwards was no employment this fourth dimension in addition to later on selecting the credit bill of fare payment option, the site presented me amongst a subscription page to pick an choice from – monthly, iii months, vi months, in addition to i year.

Prices were non listed anywhere only I was required to add together my bill of fare details on the same page. Errr…blind date? I demand to know how much this costs earlier proceeding.

And here, ladies in addition to gentlemen, was where I pulled over in addition to backed out. I volition maintain when this is fixed.

Linda Ikeji TV has got some things incorrect from the start. The app closing repeatedly during subscription is one. Not having a clue most subscription fees land existence asked to locomote inwards bill of fare details is another.

The Linda Ikeji TV app download figure thence far isn’t great. The app has recorded exclusively 100+ downloads at the fourth dimension of this review. Not quite a buzzy beginning, only in addition to thence how did the early on buzz of LIS help? Still..

Two years later on the launch of her hybrid platform Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 User Review of Linda Ikeji TV App in addition to Mobile Website

Does Linda Ikeji TV Have What It Takes?

Make no error most it, Linda Ikeji TV is upward against heavyweights similar iROKOtv in addition to Netflix. But has it got what it takes?

Netflix’s success has footling to produce amongst its Nigerian audience. It is a global service. The existent elephant inwards the room is iROKOtv, which has cracked the code to video on demand inwards Nigeria/Africa. Has Linda Ikeji TV tackled those issues peculiar to this market?

Cost of mobile information in addition to network reliability are the 2 substitution issues. Because of the issues I came upward against, I was unable to detect out if LITV addresses these issues. But I dubiety it. The marketing lines of the service would live on screaming those benefits to high heavens if it it did.

Without addressing those issues, Linda Ikeji TV stands no peril of success inwards streaming video inwards Nigeria in addition to other African markets. You may also wishing to encounter All DSTV Channels in addition to How to Subscribe.

Where To Download Linda Ikeji TV Mobile App

Download Linda Ikeji TV Mobile App

You tin flame download the mobile app HERE.

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