Pounds to Naira Exchange Rate Today Black Market June 2018


Pounds to Naira Exchange Rate Today Black Market together with Official CBN June 2018.

Bookmark this page for daily update of Pounds to Naira both inwards dark marketplace together with CBN official GBP £ (Great Britain Pounds) to NGN due north (Nigerian Naira) banking concern rate. 1 pounds to naira dark market, electrical current pounds to naira banking concern central charge per unit of measurement today 2018. How much is naira to pound central charge per unit of measurement dark market.


Pounds to Naira Exchange Rate Today inwards Black Market.

Buying = 1 Pound to N495

Selling = 1 GPB to N498.

Official/CBN GBP to Naira Exchange Rate Today.

Buying = 1 Pound to N425.9364.

Selling = 1 Pound to N427.3336.

We all know Nigerians are everywhere across the globe, but the per centum inwards the UK, USA together with Canada are much to a greater extent than than the residual of the footing combined. This article is for Nigerians that are currently inwards the U.K. for Vacation, Education, Business, Importation etc to remain updated on the current central charge per unit of measurement of the Pounds to Naira Today. It volition hold upwards updated daily to reverberate recent changes. You tin watch our previous postal service for Euro to Naira rate today if y'all desire to know virtually that too.

Pound is the official currency of the U.K. together with another countries which include Egypt, Lebanon, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic etc. It is i of the strongest (in value) together with most traded currencies inwards world. Pounds was also i time the official currency inwards Nigeria betwixt 1958 to 1973 when it was replaced past times the Naira.

Pounds to Naira Exchange Rate Today 2018 (Official together with Black Market).

Considering the electrical current economical province of affairs of Nigeria, it becomes extremely of import to know the electrical current official together with dark marketplace central charge per unit of measurement of Pounds to Naira earlier initiating whatever transactions online.

Most Nigerian banking concern purchase at official rate, but sell at the dark marketplace rate. What this precisely agency is that most banks volition calculate amongst official charge per unit of measurement when y'all have unusual currency to your savings trouble organisation human relationship but charges y'all at the dark marketplace charge per unit of measurement when y'all store on unusual sites amongst your Naira primary card.

Pound Sterling is non the exclusively powerful currency fluctuating against the Naira, the Dollar to naira together with Euro to Naira also does. Below are Pounds to Naira charge per unit of measurement Today inwards dark market together with official central charge per unit of measurement of GB Pound to NG Naira.

Little amidst numerous reasons the Naira value is on gratis autumn are:

  1. High importation charge per unit of measurement because of also much dependence together with dearest for unusual products.

  2. High postulate for dollar, which makes it scarce together with inwards plough affects Naira.

  3. One major beginning of revenue. The autumn inwards the global fossil oil cost affects Nigeria economic scheme because it accounts for over 70% of our full revenue.

Pound to Naira Exchange Rate History (1 GBP to Naira).

  • Between Oct 1 together with 31, the naira strengthen against the pound from N406 – N383.

  • This is the tendency inside September 2016 N413 – N405.

  • Here is for August 2016 N420 – N409.

  • Between July 1 together with 31, the naira autumn from N314 to N420.

  • Here is for June 2016. N286 – N375.

  • May 2016 1 GBP to N290 – N288.

  • February 2018: 1GPB = N495 – N500

There y'all bring it on how much is pounds to naira today official together with dark marketplace central charge per unit of measurement Feb 2018. Kindly portion this article using the social sharing buttons below.

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